Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Nursery Rhyme "Three Blind Mice" actually has a hidden meaning behind it. The rhyme goes as follows:

" Three blind mice, three blind mice
See how they run, see how they run
They all ran after the farmers wife,
Who cut their tails off with a carving knife,
Did you ever see such a sight in your life,
As three blind mice?"

This is believed to be describing how in there years of Queen Mary I, there were three protestants conspiring against her. She wanted England to be a pure Catholic country, these protestants wanted to keep King Henry VIII's new way. Queen Mary, who you should know was called Bloody Mary by some because of the amount of people sentenced to death by her, had these men blinded and burned as punishment for wanting their own religion. This actually does kind of correlate with the story. The men were "blinded" by the religion King Henry VIII made and were "running" away from the farmer's wife, Queen Mary and Catholicism. She caught them and cut their tails off, a disturbing way of saying killed them. Have you ever seen such a sight in your life?
Actually, this is putting the spotlight on the abuse of power in the world. Practicing different religions in being forbidden is quite common in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia believes heavily in the Muslim  religion, and practicing it is mandatory to live in that society. Heck, it's mandatory to practice it to even enter the country. Some of things you can't have are alcohol, pork, pornography, or narcotics, because you will be imprisoned immediately. It's just like how Queen Mary I didn't want you to practice the other religion or do certain things while practicing Catholicism, such as talking bad or with doubt about it. Otherwise, you end up in a grave.
Sometimes, people don't feel they have enough power, and they will do what ever they can to get it. There have even been people recently that have conspired against a people in power. On January 9, 2011 in Tucson, Arizona, a 22-year old man named Jared Loughner shot a federal judge at close range in the head, well as other people near the supermarket where they were. He shot 18 people and killed 6 of them. It seems he wasn't very fond of the government, seeing as he had a YouTube channel dedicated to vague anti-government propaganda, but his motives are still unknown. This resembles how Queen Mary wanted to have everyone in the country under her. However, there were people that stood up to say they didn't like Catholicism. That got them killed, and there were a lot of them. That's what got Queen Mary I the nickname "Bloody Mary."
This particular nursery rhyme does seem to highlight some of the problems with the world. I think it is a little more than it actually trying to be (not to mention how creepy it is that this is told to children). This should be a metaphor for the difficulty that arises when you have a person or religion in power. There will be people that conspire if you are not open minded about things, and you may eventually get over-throne like Queen Mary. However, that's a different nursery rhyme.

1 comment:

  1. John I like your research on "Three Blind Mice." It's really interesting. I never knew all that. I would recommend that you try to tie your separate sources together with a clearer theme. It seems really loose right now. How are all these sources related? Are they all about abuse of power? If so, make that statement overtly for your readers. Explain why you chose these sources and what it all adds up to. So far, so good.
